The State of Stablecoins 2019: Hype vs. Reality in the Race for Stable, Global, Digital Money

The State of Stablecoins 2019: Hype vs. Reality in the Race for Stable, Global, Digital Money

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  1. History of Money

    1. Why Money needs to be stable

    2. Basic Functions of money

    3. Characteristics of Money

    4. Types of monetary systems

    5. Why have monetary systems have failed

    6. Failed Pegs

    7. The Triffin Dilemma

    8. The Mundell Fleming Trilemma (Impossible Trinity)

    9. Why contemporary  money systems are failing

  2. Bitcoin and the rise of cryptocurrency

    1. Multiplicity of cryptocurrencies

    2. Local economies

    3. Complementary currencies

    4. The History of Complementary Currencies

  3. The next generation of cryptocurrencies

    1. The problems with cryptocurrencies

    2. The next generation; post-Bitcoin and Ethereum

    3. Building out infrastructure: The rise of Stablecoins

  4. What is a Stablecoin?

    1. What Stablecoins aim to solve and how they work

    2. Why end users need stability

    3. Overview of different stablecoins and what they aim to achieve

    4. How Stablecoins are different

    5. Alternatives to stablecoins: Fed Coins and Central bank issued digital dollars

  5. Key observations on different stablecoins (compare and contrast) in partnership with PwC

    1. Note:  Based on surveys executed with John Shipman from PwC  

  6. Next generation stablecoins and money

  7. Final Thoughts and Conclusions

  8. Key Observations from the Answered Questionnaires

  9. Industry Survey Questionnaire

  10. Appendix

    1. Special Breakout Section On Bretton Woods (Appendix 1)

    2. Acknowledgments

    3. Citations